Interactive boardsto work smarter, not harder
Manage your daily workload
Efficiency at your fingertips! Oversee your daily tasks through an intuitive interface and access all the necessary information to start working immediately. No worry about prioritization, as Procify handles it automatically.
- Personalized tasks homepage
- Real-time & instant task change update
- Consolidated view on personal workload and unassigned tasks
- Visibility of past tasks and events
- Stay on track with your deadlines
- Multi-tiered filters to customize your view
Regulate teamwork better
Elevate your team’s productivity with our central overview interface, purpose-built for managers and team leaders. Easily monitor open cases, allocate or reallocate tasks if needed, and maintain control over your workflow.
- Monitor case progress and pinpoint bottlenecks
- Real-time 360° overview of open cases
- Allocate tasks based on the team’s workload
- Identify overdue cases and initiate required actions
- Historical insights for cases and their tasks
- Multi-tiered filters to customize your view